Trail the Stone and the Water in Madonie Park

The "The stones and the water" path, inside the Parco delle Madonie, is an interesting geological path that traces the incessant flow of the river between ancient stones. It is divided into three sub-itineraries , two of which fall within the Municipality of Castellana Sicula and one in that of Petralia Sottana. On its way the water flows alongside the Roman baths of the imperial period, at the remains of some houses, in large monolithic stones inside which tombs have been excavated burial and old mills .
The path that falls in the municipality of Petralia Sottana retraces the Regia Trazzera of the transhumanse Petralia-Castelbuono, crosses the Ponte di San Brancato , humpbacked in Romanesque style, which allowed you to cross the Mandarini stream. Follows the Rocca di Sant’Otiero where there are the remains of columns. In fact, in this place there was the "Lumachella" stone quarry from which the twelve monolithic columns of the Mother Church of Petralia Sottana were obtained. The route continues until you reach the Catarratti spring, one of the most important in central-northern Sicily and, further on, the homonymous hydroelectric plant, still functioning, a magnificent expression of " industrial archeology "of the early twentieth century. Finally, there is the Scopalacqua waterfall, which further downstream joins the Castellana stream, becoming the southern Imera river.