Church of Maria SS. of Purity in Valledolmo

The Church of Maria SS. della Purità in Valledolmo, also known as the New Church, is an important place of worship in the village where a very valuable Crucifix is ​​kept.
It was built starting from 1845 in the heart of the new neighborhood developed to the west of the old one, as the its inhabitants find it inconvenient to reach the Mother Church. The grandiose project required a great economic commitment and so the works continued for about a century.
The Romanesque-Baroque style façade, covered in white stone, is divided into two orders by a stringcourse frame and is flanked by the bell tower . The first order is tripartite with the central part slightly overhanging the two lateral ones. In the central part there is a large portal flanked by two pairs of Corinthian-style columns that support the entablature and a round arch in the center of which there is a lunette window. The two side openings do not present any architectural detail. On the second order there is a mullioned window with a round arch surmounted by a rose window.
The interior, with three naves, houses the grandiose and artistic Crucifix of the Civiletti School.

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