Our Lady of Miracles in Collesano


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The cult of the Madonna dei Miracoli in Collesano, patron saint of the village, has ancient origins.
It is said that on 27 April 1571 the bells of the Church of Santa Maria Annunziata, which housed the precious canvas of the Annunciation which can be admired today in the Mother Church, began to ring without anyone having activated them. The faithful, called by the sound of the bells in the middle of the night, found the church door wide open as the bells continued to ring. Thus it was that the local people began to venerate the painting of the Annunciation kept in the church.
Another miraculous event took place on May 26, 1643. It is said that, due to a great famine, the price of wheat had risen to point that the population rose up against the owners of the granaries. During the guerrilla warfare the church bells began to ring, once again autonomously, and the picture of the Annunciation to ooze. The owners of the granaries, following that event, donated their grain to the population and since that day, in memory of this event, the celebrations in honor of Maria SS. Announced.

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