San Filippo D'Agira and the apparition to the shepherds


According to tradition, on 11 January 1682, San Filippo D'Agira appeared to shepherds to protect them and other citizens from the fall of a rock.
He appeared with the appearance of an old man and announced that that day a large boulder would come off the slopes of Mount Teja and invited the shepherds to go first to the parish priest of the church of Santa Maria and then to the home of the Pistone family to warn them to flee. That day the boulder collapsed and hit the house of the Pistone family, but all the inhabitants remained unharmed.
Today it is still possible to see that great boulder, the fortress of Ciappazzi, located in the homonymous district of Agirina.
In memory of this event takes place on 11 January the third patronal feast dedicated to San Filippo.

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