Aron of the Synagogue in Agira

Aron of the Synagogue in Agira

Pro Loco Agira - CC1.0


 Piazza Roma, 4 - Agira (EN)

Aron Della Synagogue of Agira is an important testimony of the presence of a Jewish community in the city during the Middle Ages.
It is one of the three oldest stone synagogal arches in Europe . It is dated to the Jewish year 5214, corresponding to 1454. It was originally located in the synagogue of Via Santa Croce, which after the expulsion of the Jews became the Church of Santa Croce. The dedicatory inscription, now very deteriorated, which made it possible to identify the exact year of construction, read "House of Jacob, come we walk in the light of the Lord".
The Aron represents the piece of furniture where the sacred book of Judaism was kept. This, unlike the other Aron built in wood, it is a very rare exception, it is built in stone: it is one of the reasons why it is currently at the center of experts of a great attention of scholars ed.
Today the Aron of the Synagogue from 1987 has been reassembled inside the church of the Most Holy Savior waiting to be relocated to its own space.

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