Dogana in Centuripe

Davide Mauro - CC4.0
Dogana in Centuripe is one of the monumental public buildings of the imperial era located along the ancient Via Giulio Cesare.
. Among the other monumental buildings in Centuripe, called Augustali di Centuripe , there are also the Augustali temple, Corradino Castle and Terme Bagni.
Dogana is one of the two monumental funerary mausoleums of Centuripe . Although smaller than the Corradino mausoleum, the Dogana follows the typical tower structure divided into two floors. In fact, the two monuments were probably conceived by the same workers. Due to a raising of the ground level which led to the burial of at least 4 m of the entire structure, today only the upper floor of the mausoleum with a barrel ceiling remains visible.
The front has been completely lost and the space visible today, it must have once been separated into two rooms, one of which constituted the access compartment. The podium probably had to house the sepulchral chamber; the upper floor, the environment in which the practices of the cult of the dead took place.
The well-preserved structure is an excellent example of the wise use by the Romans of the opus caementicium and of the vaulted structures.
The fact that the customs name has been handed down tends to suggest that this building in medieval times was used as the seat of the customs office. Inside, in fact, stone weights and measures were found.