Museum of the Myth in Enna

GPS: 37.569000959591,14.288651299777
Via Nino Savarese - Enna (EN) WebsiteThe Museum of the Myth of Enna represents a unicum of its kind. It is the first entirely multimedia museum in Italy where the myth, thanks to the use of the most advanced technologies, is translated into a contemporary language accessible to a wide spectrum of public.
The project, created to recover and enhance the area archaeological site of the Rocca di Cerere and the Castello di Lombardia where it is based, promotes an innovative model of fruition of artistic assets and contents while respecting their historical and expressive significance.
Immersive video projections, spatial audio and the use of reality augmented reality and the suggestion of the video-story that multiply the levels of museum narration, give life to a virtual environment perceived as concrete, tangible, where the viewer is accompanied in a complete and satisfying experience through the myth of Kore-Persephone, one of the oldest of the Greek civilization which explains the origin of the seasons and the cultivation of wheat.