Church of the Crucifix in Licodia Eubea

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The Church of the Crucifix in Licodia Eubea, also known as the Church of the Hospital or Church of the Trinity, is one of the oldest places of worship in the city.
It was built in 1607, during the reign of Philip III of Spain and under the marquisate of Vincenzo Santapau. The church was built by Don Ascenzio De Pisanis, probably replaced a rock chapel dedicated to the SS. Trinità, and annexed to the hospital, which was already active in the sixteenth century.
The façade of the church is enriched by a bell tower built in the early 1900s. The tower that houses the clock has kept a bell of particular value dating back to to 1489.
The interior with a single nave is adorned with stuccoes, frescoes that embellish the vault and with elegant altars. the first depicts "The massacre of the innocents" of 1673, the second "San Cristoforo" of 1677, of the other two depicting the Madonna whose dating is unknown.
Of particular artistic value is the life-size wooden Crucifix, the whose face has an expression of resigned suffering. The work was created in the seventeenth century by artists who probably followed the school of Friar Umile da Petralia.