Trabia Palace in Mussomeli

Pequod76 - CC3.0
The Palazzo Trabia di Mussomeli, also known as the " Palazzo del Principe " is one of the most important noble buildings in the city.
It was built in 1600 at the behest of Don Ottavio Lanza and took the name of "Casa del Baglio" because of the vast courtyard in which Don Ottavio II Lanza, in 1635, planted the fountain of Neptune, which was then removed in 1938. Around the middle of the seventeenth century, by Don Giuseppe Lanza, the palace is rebuilt from scratch in more majestic forms, it was embellished and enlarged, with numerous rooms, warehouses, accommodation for servants and the military.
The palace has a structure made up of shapeless stones with decorative elements in freestone, such as portals, cantons and shelves. The façade overlooks Piazza Roma with the long balcony of the hall, resting on stone corbels and surrounded by a goose-breast railing. Externally the choreographic staircase is still visible, which has now lost its original background made up of the stone of the facade.
The central fulcrum of the entire building is the large hall on the first floor which is surrounded by large and numerous rooms with services, kitchen, stable, cart, barns, warehouses, and premises for the administration of fiefdoms. The hall was once adorned with precious furnishings and furnishings unfortunately removed and transferred by the last descendants of the Lanza di Trabia. The ground floor has been the seat of the "Trabia Paolo Emiliani Giudici" club since 1892.