Ethno-anthropological Museum of Sutera

Ethno-anthropological Museum of Sutera

Davide Mauro - CC4.0


 Piazza Carmine - Sutera (CL)

The Ethno-anthropological Museum of Sutera is one of the most important museum centers of the Sicilian hinterland.
The museum tells, through the various collections on display, the history of Sicily as seen by the citizens and workers who lived there over the centuries. < br> The museum was born from the collaboration of students, professors, parents, artisans, citizens who work every day to increase and enhance a heritage that finds in the peasant and housewife the reference figures, but which does not forget the presence of artisans, burgisi, of professionals such as doctors, pharmacists, lawyers, teachers, veterinarians, ... Thanks to the participation and collaboration of the entire population, the museum not only houses the tools of the shepherd or farmer, but also those of the late nineteenth-century blacksmith, the carpenters of the thirties, the canalaro and the bricklayer, the tanner and the shoemaker, with tools handed down for several generations, some of which the ones also dating back to the eighteenth century.
Among the other relics exhibited in the museum of particular interest are: the posters and brochures of the concerts held at the beginning of the twentieth century by the only composer musician in the country; the posters accompanying the emigrants on their way to the Americas in the early twentieth century and then to Northern Italy or Europe in the sixties; a collection of about a hundred religious prints that families hung in the kitchen or bedroom in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
The Ethno-anthropological museum of Sutera is structured as follows: a reconstruction of a late nineteenth-century bedroom; a room with pasta and bread-making tools; a room with documents, diplomas and propaganda from the fascist period; a room with advertising and related products of the twentieth century; a room dedicated to clothing, from underwear to hand-made shirts, breeches and formal wear.

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