Acquedolci Carnival

The Acquadolcese Carnival, which in 1998 was defined as the third carnival of Sicily, after that of Acireale and Sciacca, today boasts a great tradition in papier-mâché working techniques and attracts thousands of visitors every year.
The official mask of the Acquedolci Carnival is Dorotero, a character with a green tunic, holding a mask and a scepter in his hand, represented by a sugar cane (also depicted in the city coat of arms).
Dates and Scheduling
4 Mar 2025
09:00 Workshop: “chiacchiere” in the kitchen.
Centro Giovanile Oratorio Murialdo
12:00 Allegorical Carts Gathering.
Piazza dott. Cirino Vieni
13:00 Transfer of the allegorical Carts to Corso Italia at the intersection of Via Etna.
Punto 2
15:00 Start of the parade of allegorical carts along the city route.
Percorso Cittadino
20:00 Carnival Fest.
Sala Consiliare
21:30 "Carri in Piazza" - Thematic displays of the competing groups.
Piazza Municipio
7 Mar 2025
09:00 “Masks : one breath of and away you go”.
Auditorium Scuole Elementari
8 Mar 2025
15:30 “#SabatodaFiaba”
Special edition with reading aloud of a fairy tale about Doroteo and the Carnival in Acquedolci.
Biblioteca Comunale
9 Mar 2025
12:00 Allegorical Carts Gathering.
Piazza dott. Cirino Vieni
13:00 Transfer of the allegorical Carts to Corso Italia at the intersection of via Etna.
Punto 2
15:00 Start of the parade of allegorical carts along the city route.
22:00 Award ceremony and musical show with the presence of the artist PAPS.
Antonino Latteri presents.
Piazza Municipio
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