Feast of Saint Lucia in Syracuse

Feast of Saint Lucia in Syracuse

 26 December 2024

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Syracuse celebrates its Patroness twice a year, on the first two Sundays of May on the occasion of the patronage of Saint Lucia, and on the day of the dies natalis of the Saint, on 13 December.
. On December 12, the day before, the translation of the Simulacrum from the Chapel to the High Altar takes place.
On the feast day, December 13, the solemn Pontifical takes place in which, according to tradition, a high prelate participates every year invited for the occasion by the Archbishop of the City. In the early afternoon the solemn procession of the relics and the silvery simulacrum begins, which will cross the city to reach the Basilica of Santa Lucia al Sepolcro. The simulacrum is escorted by twelve "cilii", large wooden candelabra decorated with flowers, and followed by the magnificent Senate carriage, on which once sat the jurors of the Aretusean Senate, and by a procession in eighteenth-century clothes, with wig and livery. During the long procession there are many people who carry lighted candles and make the journey barefoot as a sign of thanks or to implore a grace.
December 20, the day of Saint Lucia's return to the Cathedral, another long procession that will follow a different itinerary. During the procession there are two stops accompanied by an intense moment of prayer, the first at the Basilica Sanctuary of the Madonna delle Lacrime, and the second at the General Hospital Umberto I.

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