Feast of San Sebastiano in Acireale

Feast of San Sebastiano in Acireale

The feast of San Sebastiano, patron saint of the city of Acireale, is the most heartfelt religious festival in the people of Acireale.
The cult of San Sebastiano has its roots in the 1400s , when the terrible disease of the plague affected entire populations. Acireale was also seriously affected and so it was that the people turned to San Sebastiano to hope for his recovery.
On January 20th Acireale is celebrating in honor of the beloved patron saint. From the early hours of the morning at the Basilica di San Sebastiano a large crowd of devotees rushes eagerly waiting for the chapel where the Saint is closed during the year to be opened. At 11.00, in the crowded square in front of the basilica, the simulacrum of the martyr appears naked in the act of suffering the martyrdom of the arrows on the artistic fercolo of the '700, greeted by ringing bells and fireworks 'article.
Particularly spectacular is the exit maneuver of the fercolo from the church where the traditionally barefoot devotees pull the baiard at high speed to the center of the square. During the journey, the Saint will make other dizzying runs. Suggestive is the return to the basilica culminating with a run back around 24.00.

Dates and Scheduling

27 Jan 2025

09:00 Holy Mass.

10:30 Holy Mass.

12:00 Holy Mass.

15:30 Holy Mass for the sick and elderly of the city.

17:00 Holy Mass with the participation of the Acireale Urban Police.

19:00 Solemn Eucharistic Celebration.

20:30 Procession with the venerated simulacrum of Saint Sebastian in Piazza Lionardo Vigo.
Blessing with the relics and closing of the chapel.

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