Feast of S. Agata in Catania

Feast of S. Agata in Catania

Leandro Neumann Ciuffo - CC2.0

 12 Feb 2025

 Piazza Duomo

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The feast of Sant'Agata, patron saint of Catania, is one of the most beautiful patronal feasts in the world. It takes place in the streets of the city of Catania from 3 to 5 February. The festival is a mixture of worship, devotion, folklore and traditions that attracts up to a million people every year, including devotees and curious people. During the festival a silver fercolo, "a vara", with a bust containing the relics of the Saint, is tirelessly followed in procession by hundreds of devoted citizens clinging to two cords of over 100 meters. Over all the unanimous cry of devotion "Citizens, citizens, semu all devotees all?" The fercolo is a refined work of silverware. It was built by Vincenzo Archifel in 1519. Over the centuries, different workers have alternated in the embellishment of the work which over the centuries has undergone various transformations: the brands and initials on the silver parts are evidence of this. In the lower plinth several panels illustrate scenes from the life, the martyrdom of the Saint and the return to Catania of the relics from Constantinople. Above, crowning the roof, surrounded by statuettes in the round depicting the 12 apostles, are the symbols linked to Saint Agatha and her martyrdom such as a crown, a lily and a palm tree.

On the days 16 and 17 August the anniversary of the return to the homeland of the relics of Saint Agatha of Constantinople and the anniversary of the dedication of the Cathedral Basilica are celebrated, on the occasion of which a busy liturgical program takes place and the transfer of the relics of the Patron Saint to the main altar takes place

Dates and Scheduling

Until to February 12th
Best window display competition “I love Sant'Agata” organized by Confcommercio - CIDEC/Confesercenti

“Agata in motion”, fourth edition of the exhibition of the students of the Academy of Fine Arts of Catania. Director Prof. Gianni Latino. Coordination Prof. Daniela Costa. Catania Metro, Piazza Giovanni XXIII.

12 Feb 2025

Ore 7:30; 9:00; 10:00; 11:00; 12:00; 13:00; 14:30; 16:00; 19:00: Sante Messe.
Ore 8:00 - Esposizione delle Sacre Reliquie.
Dalle ore 9:30 alle ore 13,:30 e dalle ore 15:30 alle ore 17:30 i fedeli potranno accostarsi per la venerazione delle sacre reliquie presso la cappella di Sant'Agata.
Ore 10:00 - Santa Messa presieduta da S.E.R. Mons. Salvatore Gristina, Arcivescovo emerito di Catania
Ore 14:30 - Santa Messa per gli ammalati ed i disabili.
Ore 16:00 - Coppa Disciplina alla Candelora Virtuosa - a cura della Fondazione Sant'Agathae - Chiesa San Nicolò all'Arena.
Ore 19:00 - Santa Messa solenne presieduta da S. E. Mons. Arcivescovo. Al termine processione delle Sacre Reliquie in piazza Duomo con la partecipazione delle autorità cittadine.

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