Festa di Santa Barbara a Paternò

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The Feast of Santa Barbara in Paternò is celebrated on 4 December, the day in which the martyrdom of the Saint is remembered, in the month of May in which the feast of Patronage is celebrated, and in the month of July when the feast of translation of the relics.
The patronal feast begins on 3 December when the day of the cereo, or "varetta", takes place, during which, throughout the morning, the nine cerei, representing the various city corporations, are carried in procession through the various districts of the city and in the evening they parade together along the main street, up to the Church of Santa Barbara. The candles date back to the eighteenth century and are real works of art in carved and gilded wood. After the solemn evening Eucharistic celebration, the relics of Santa Barbara are carried in procession through the streets of the city until they reach the Church of Santa Barbara where the unveiling of the simulacrum and the solemn blessing with the relics takes place.
The day of the Celebration in the morning we witness the exit of the simulacrum from the church, welcomed in the churchyard by the launch of colored flyers and by the firing of firecrackers. This is followed by the procession of the simulacrum which is dragged with long ropes by devotees dressed in white and with a black cap on their heads. The procession will return to the Church of Santa Barbara only late at night.
The celebrations of the patronal feast in Paternò continue on December 5, the day of the Pontifical, and end on December 11 with the octave of the feast and the blessing of the city.
The Patronage Festival was established in 1780 on the occasion of the arrest of the lava flow, through the intercession of the Saint, in Ragalna, a town in the Paternò area. On the occasion of this event, the reliquary bust of the patron saint was carried in procession, and the tradition has been maintained ever since. The simulacrum of Santa Barbara, carried on the shoulders through the streets of the city of Paternò, is decorated with a crown of roses and for this reason the festival is also known as Festa di Santa Barbara delle Rose.
The feast of the Translation of the Relics of Santa Barbara is celebrated on 27 July. The party is also known as midsummer party and includes a rich liturgical and recreational programme.
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