Feast of Patron Saints in San Marco D'Alunzio

Feast of Patron Saints in San Marco D'Alunzio

The Patronal Feast of Saints Mark, Nicholas and Basil the Great is celebrated in San Marco D'Alunzio every year between the end of July and the beginning of August.
The traditional entrance to the r 'addauru, or the entrance of the laurel, a folk ceremony during which the young locals parade carrying laurel branches with colored ribbons and money . At the end of the procession, the young people perform in the square in front of the Badia Piccola, where the most beautiful branch will be awarded.
In the evening of the same day, the journey of the Simulacrum of San Basilio Magno takes place towards the Mother church. The short journey lasts a couple of hours as the Saint is continuously carried back and forth. According to popular belief, it performs its miracles during this journey, and for this reason the journey has a long duration.
The solemn procession of the Simulacrum of San Basilio Magno takes place on the day of the celebrations which is carried through the streets of the village on a vara decorated with flowers and basil. The faithful who accompany the simulacrum carry the traditional torches in their hands, i.e. candles one meter high decorated with basil, ribbons and flowers.

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