Easter in Butera

During the Easter celebrations in Butera a suggestive and traditional historical re-enactment takes place
which lasts from Palm Sunday until Easter.
The celebrations begin on Palm Sunday with the feast of Santu Sarbaturi, or San Salvatore, the day in which the city commemorates the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.
In the morning of Holy Thursday in the Church of Maria SS delle Grazie the image of the arrested Christ is exhibited behind closed doors, as in the meantime we witness the "search" of Christ with rings on the streets of trumpet and drum roll. Twice he will be searched in vain as Jesus will be discovered only at the end of the celebration of the Last Supper when darkness has fallen over the city. This is followed by the procession of Christ in chains which is conducted through the various Sepulchres set up in the churches, accompanied by a group of male voices who perform "lullabies" with the "Parts" as text, or poetic compositions designed to narrate the Passion of the Lord.
On the morning of Good Friday, trumpets, drums and lamentations come together to accompany the Ecce Homo procession that winds through the streets of the town starting from the Church of San Giuseppe. In the early afternoon two processions take place, the Christ carrying the Cross from the Maria SS. delle Grazie and the Addolorata from the Mother Church, which meet in the central square where the moving meeting takes place, "'a Giunta", between the Son and the Mother on the Via della Croce underlined by the lamentations they evoke this event. In front of the church Maria SS. The "spartenza", that is the "farewell greeting", takes place between the Christ on the cross and the Addolorata. Liturgical celebrations follow. In the evening after the SS. Crucified, the Addolorata is taken to the Mother Church to take her Son lying on his richly decorated deathbed, "u Catalettu", and then walk the streets of the town until late in the day.
On Easter Sunday at noon the Junta takes place on the model of Good Friday between the simulacra of the Risen Christ coming from the Mother Church and the Madonna, who abandoned the robes of mourning dressed as a bride goes to meet the Son starting from the church of Maria SS. of Graces. Once the meeting in the square has taken place, the two simulacra return together to the mother church and then repeat the tour of the village in the late afternoon until late evening.
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