Easter in Augusta

Easter in Augusta

 31 Mar 2024

 Augusta (SR)

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The traditions of Holy Week in Augusta are deeply felt and shared by the entire population.
On Palm Sunday the faithful, by ancient tradition, they go to Piazza Duomo where, starting from the early hours of the morning, stalls are set up for the sale of palm trees, woven into different compositions and finishes. The S.S. is then exposed. Sacramento in the Mother Church, where the city brotherhoods will go, until Holy Wednesday, to pay homage with single and deferred processions.
On Holy Thursday the traditional visit to the sepulchres set up in the various churches takes place towns. In the Church of San Giuseppe there is the simulacrum of the Dead Christ which will be carried in procession the following day. In the evening, the church of San Giuseppe is closed and the sound of the da trumma, i.e. the Holy Thursday Trumpet, begins. It is an ancient and symbolic tradition that recalls the Search, or rather the search by the Madonna of the Son. This tradition today sees two musicians playing trumpet and drum wandering through the streets of the historic center. Once upon a time, these were accompanied by the lament of the pious women.
On Good Friday two processions take place with two different simulacra of the dead Christ. At the first light of dawn, the procession of the Signuri de poviri, i.e. of the brotherhood of the Masters of St. Joseph, winds its way, while at dusk the procession of the Signuri de rich takes place , also called dei Civili or dei Nobili, i.e. of the Confraternity of the Immaculate Conception. The evening procession is preceded by the "a Scisa a Cruci: in the square in front of the Church of the Madonna delle Grazie, a stage is set up where the seventeenth-century simulacrum of Jesus Christ is nailed, recall the drama of the crucifixion. The procession ends with the Spartenza, i.e. the separation of the simulacra of the Madonna and her dead Son who return to their respective churches.
On Easter Sunday the Procession of the Risen Christ, who makes a symbolic tour from the Mother Church to announce the occurred Resurrection.

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