Easter in Caltanissetta

On the occasion of the Holy Week in Caltanissetta, ancient and traditional rites take place in which the entire population and a large crowd of tourists take part. The importance of these events is demonstrated by the fact that they have been included in the Intangible Heritage Register of Sicily
and in the international Europassion circuit.
On Palm Sunday the procession of u Signuri nna varca takes place, during which the simulacrum of Christ Blessing is placed on a boat entirely covered with wildflowers. The procession starts from the courtyard of the municipal library, crosses the streets of the historic center, and ends at the Church of Sant'Agata al Collegio, the place where four corporations were founded with the aim of keeping alive the cult of the Patron Saint. During the entire journey, the simulacrum is accompanied by the brothers who carry large lighted candles in their hands, by the musical band and by the children with palms and olive branches in their hands.
On Holy Tuesday an engaging sacred representation of Scinnenza takes place, with figures in period costume, which recalls different moments of the Passion of Christ up to the culminating moment of the entire sacred representation: the the deposition of Jesus, the scinnence.
The morning of Holy Wednesday is presided over by the Real Maestranza, a historic association of individual categories of artisans gathered in a city association, led by a noble captain-at-arms, who plays a prominent role during the city's religious festivals. The fulcrum around which the procession revolves is the Captain, a craftsman chosen each year in a different category, who enjoys certain privileges throughout the week: he is in charge of the keys to the city; carries with him the sword, symbol of command; he is surrounded by the tricolor band, symbol of loyalty to state authority, and receives the appointment of Knight of the Republic.
On the evening of Holy Wednesday the procession of varicedde takes place > which symbolize the Stations of the Cross. This procession was born at the beginning of the last century by the will of the shop boys who wanted to take part in the celebrations of Holy Week. They decided to carry small terracotta statues placed on trays in procession.
On Holy Thursday there is a procession of sixteen life-size statue groups which reproduce scenes from the Passion of Jesus Christ. The procession, accompanied by funeral marches intoned by the musical bands, ends only at the crack of dawn in Piazza Garibaldi. It is an extremely evocative rite and has contributed to making Holy Week in Caltanissetta famous throughout the world. The Mysteries carried in procession are also of considerable artistic and historical value: they were made, starting from the end of the 19th century, in terracotta, wood and papier-mâché by the Neapolitan sculptor Francesco Biangardi and his son.
On the evening of On Good Friday there is the procession of the Black Christ, Patron of Caltanissetta, during which the wooden crucifix dating back to the Byzantine era is followed by members of the Real Maestranza, by the faithful, and come on Bitterleaf. The Fogliamara are the pickers of wild vegetables who, according to tradition, found the crucifix inside a cave in the 14th century.
On Easter Sunday there is procession of the Resurrection. As per tradition, the Real Maestranza, led by its Captain, heads towards the seat of the bishopric, wearing white gloves, tie and socks as a sign of joy for the Resurrection of Jesus and accompanied by the merry marching band, they begin the procession . The procession ends in Piazza Garibaldi where the Bishop blesses the crowd and a representative of the Free Maestranza of the white doves in the sky. After the solemn mass in the Cathedral, the Captain returns the keys to the city to the Mayor.
Dates and Scheduling
29 Mar 2025
18:30 Meeting of the Jesus of Nazareth Association and the faithful to accompany the statue of Jesus of Nazareth to the Church of Sant'Agata.
Chiesa San Domenico
19:00 Exhibition of the simulacrum of Jesus of Nazareth until Friday 11 April 2025.
Chiesa di Sant'Agata (Collegio)
20:00 14th Concert in honor of Jesus of Nazareth - SOLO - show on the Passion with music from "Il Risorto" and from the Sicilian tradition, with the participation of the InCanto choir, GOS ensemble and the artistic collaboration of the "Manzoni Juvara" music high school of Caltanissetta under the direction of maestro Raimondo Capizzi.
Chiesa di Sant'Agata (Collegio)
4 Apr 2025
20:00 Via Crucis of the Great Sacred Groups, through the streets of the historic center, led by His Excellency the Bishop Mons. Mario Russotto and animated by the youth of the city.
5 Apr 2025
09:00 8th volleyball tournament in honor of Jesus of Nazareth in collaboration with KANGURO VOLLEY of Caltanissetta.
Palacannizzaro Caltanissetta
13 Apr 2025
From the first light of dawn, decoration of the classic flower-bedecked boat in front of the Chapel of the SS. Bambina (Scarabelli Library courtyard)
Biblioteca Scarabelli
13:00 21 mortar rounds fired.
17:00 Transfer of the simulacrum of Jesus of Nazareth to the bastion of Corso Umberto, adjacent to the Scarabelli Library.
18:00 Holy Mass in the Church of Sant'Agata, with the participation of the Association and the Porters Group.
19:00 Traditional Procession of Jesus of Nazareth according to the historical route: Cappella della SS. Bambina (Biblioteca Scarabelli), Bastione di Corso Umberto, Corso Umberto I, via Redentore, Via M. Calafato, Viale Conte Testasecca, Corso V. Emanuele, Piazza Garibaldi, Corso Umberto I.
22:00 Return of the statue to the Church of Sant'Agata - Moment of prayer.
15Apr 2025
18:00 Meeting in the Cathedral Church for the delivery of the Crucifix by the parish priest Mons. Gaetano Canalella, to the Spiritual Assistant of the Real Maestranza Association Father Salvatore Lovetere, to then reach in procession, accompanied by the musical band, the Church of Sant'Agata (Collegio), with the presence of the Captain of the Real Maestranza, the Captain's Charges, the heads of the Categories, together with the Spiritual Assistant of the Painters and Decorators Category Father Alfonso Cammarata and with the participation of the scout groups and the boys of the last years of preparation for confirmation.
19:00 Holy Mass.
Chiesa di Sant'Agata (Collegio)
16 Apr 2025
06:15 Riunione della Categoria Pittori e Decoratori con la banda musicale e i Cerimonieri, presso la Banca BCC G, Toniolo e Son Michele di San Cataldo (CL} - Società Cooperativa, in Corso Umberto I. In pullman si recheranno presso le abitazioni delle Cariche Capitanali del seguente ordine:
Alfiere Maggiore M.stro Vincenzo Prestifilippo in Corso Italia n.32,
Portabandiera Storica e Alabardiere M.stro Emanuele Bruccoleri e Daniele Bruccoleri in Via San Giovanni Bosco n.178C,
Portabandiera M.stro Salvatore Gallina in Via Angelo Musco 34C
e Scudiero M.stro Salvatore Scorantino in Via Fra Giarratana 62C.
08:00 Meeting of the Masters of Ceremonies and all the Categories of the Real Maestranza at the “Banca BCC "G. Toniolo e San Michele di San Cataldo (CL) - cooperative society, in C.so Umberto I.
By coach they will set off for Via Romita to pay homage to the Captain of the Real Maestranza Maestro GAETANO VILLANUCCI.
09:00 The Captain, after having reviewed the Real Maestranza, will set off with the entire Real Maestranza, by coach to reach the historic centre, and then the procession will form crossing the following streets: P.zza Mercato Grazia, Viale Conte Testasecca, Corso Vittorio Emanuele to stop in C.so Vittorio Emanuele in front of the entrance to the Town Hall (side that faces Piazza Garibaldi).
09:45 The Mayor hands over the keys to the city to the Captain of the Real Maestranza, who, accompanied by the city authorities and the entire Real Maestranza in procession, will reach the church of Sant'Agata al Collegio.
10:15 The Spiritual Assistant of the Real Maestranza, Father Salvatore Lovetere, will raise the Most Holy Crucifix (Venerable) from the church of Sant'Agata al Collegio to entrust it, after a moment of prayer, to the Captain Master GAETANO VILLANUCCI who will move at
11.00 in procession with the entire Real Maestranza along C.so Umberto I in a penitential act.
Chiesa di Sant'Agata (Collegio)
11:30 Arrival at the Cathedral and Eucharistic Adoration.
Cattedrale di Santa Maria La Nova e San Michele
12:00 Procession of the Blessed Sacrament with His Excellency the Bishop Mons. Mario Russotto. The Clergy, the Cathedral Chapter, the Real Maestranza, the civil and military Authorities and the citizens will participate.
In the afternoon the Categories of the Real Maestranza and the various civil, military and religious Authorities will visit the Captain Master GAETANO VILLANUCCI at the house in Via Balate n.33 (with access from Via Romita) in the following order:
15:30 Categoria Muratori
15:45 Categoria Marmisti
16:00 Autorità, Enti ed Associazioni
17:00 Categoria Falegnami ed Ebanisti
17:15 Categoria Carpentieri e Ferraioli
17:30 Categoria Calzolai-Pellettieri e Tappezzieri
17:45 Categoria Fabbri
18:00 Categoria Panificatori-Pasticcieri e Cuochi
18:15 Categoria Idraulici - Lattonieri.
18:30 Categorie Barbieri - Acconciarori.
19:00 Categoria Pittori e Decoratori.
17 Apr 2025
10:00 The Captain of the Royal Maestranza Maestro GAETANO VILLANUCCI, the Captainial Charges, the Captains Emeritus, the Presidents of the Categories will visit the Juvenile Penal Institute in via F. Turati n°46, to bring greetings to the inmates, the Penitentiary Police and all the staff.
18:00 The Captain of the Real Maestranza will participate in the Holy Mass “In Coena Domini” in the Cathedral presided over by His Excellency the Bishop Mons. Mario Russotto.
Cattedrale di Santa Maria La Nova e San Michele
18 Apr 2025
10:30 The Captain of the Real Maestranza Maestro GAETANO VILLANUCCI accompanied by the Captain Charges, the Captains Emeritus and the Presidents of the various Artisan Categories together with Don Enzo Spoto will visit the hospital of Sant'Elia to bring a greeting to the sick, and to the health workers.
Followed by a visit to the guests and staff of Casa Famiglia Rosetta.
16:00 Meeting of all the Categories of the Real Maestranza and the musical band at the church of Sant'Agata.
Chiesa di Sant'Agata (Collegio)
17:00 In the Cathedral Liturgical Function in Memory of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Then the procession will reach the Sanctuary "Lord of the City" for the beginning of the procession.
19:00 Exit of the Holy Crucifix "Lord of the City" escorted by the Real Maestranza through the oldest streets of the city.
Route: Via Signore della Città, V.le Amedeo, via Roma, via Mauro Tumminelli, via Paolo Emiliani Giudci, C.so Vittorio Emanuele, via Re D'Italia, C.so Umberto I, via Camillo Genovese, via Roma, V.le Amedeo with arrival at the Sanctuary "Lord of the City" where His Excellency the Bishop Mons. Mario Russotto will impart the solemn blessing to all those present.
19 Apr 2025
09:30 Captain of the Real Maestranza Maestro GAETANO. VILLANUCCI, accompanied by the Captain's Charges, the Captains Emeritus, the Real Maestranza Association and accompanied by the Chaplain of the Caltanissetta District Prison Father Giuseppe Alessi, will visit the inmates, the Penitentiary Police and all the staff to bring them a greeting and the keys of the District Prison of via Messina will be delivered to the Captain.
20 Apr 2025
09:00 Meeting in front of the Cathedral square of the entire Real Maestranza, to reach the Episcopal Seminary with the Captain and the musical band.
The procession will pass through the following streets: P.zza Garibaldi, C.so Umberto I, and Viale Regina Margherita.
10:00 The Captain of the Real Maestranza GAETANO VILLANUCCI pays homage to H.E. the Bishop Mons. Mario Russotto, who accompanied by the President of the Real Maestranza association Luigi Fiocco, greets the civil and military Authorities, and reviews the Categories lined up at the Piazzetta San Giovanni Paolo II and then reaches the Cathedral Church in procession, where the solemn Easter Pontifical will be celebrated presided over by H.E. the Bishop Mons. Mario Russotto.
The procession will pass through the following streets: V.le Regina Margherita, C.so Umberto I and P.zza Garibaldi.
At the end the Captain of the Real Maestranza Maestro GAETANO VILLANUCCI will return the key to the city to the Mayor and the keys to the District Prison and the Juvenile Penal Institute to the respective Directors.
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