Easter in Licodia Eubea

Easter in Licodia Eubea

 Apr 2025

 Licodia Eubea (CT)

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The main feature of the Holy Week in Licodia Eubea are the Licodian devotional songs that accompany all the celebrations. These are ancient songs that seem to date back to the 16th century, to the time when Don Ascenzio De Pisanis, of Spanish origin, introduced the rites of Holy Week in this village.
The Holy Week is preceded by seven days of prayers, known as Sittina d'Addulurata which end on the Friday preceding Palm Sunday.
On Holy Wednesday the procession of the simulacrum of Christ at the Column takes place for the streets of the city centre.
On Good Friday the Giunta takes place, i.e. the encounter between the simulacra of Christ with the Cross, pulled by the neck by Circello who she holds the rope in her hand, and Our Lady of Sorrows. The figure of Circello is the most representative figure of Holy Week in Licodia Eubea. The traditional Auction of the Cross follows the Giunta. The winner of the auction will bring the Cross to Calvary where, in the afternoon, the Sorrowful is covered with a black mantle and the rite of Crucifixion takes place. A suggestive and moving moment follows: the singers of the SS. Crocifisso sing the ancient and traditional Licodian songs. This is followed by the procession of the Signuri a cascia, i.e. of the Lord placed in the urn.
On Easter Sunday the takes place Junta of Resurrection where the simulacrum of the Risen Christ and the Madonna, stripped of her black cloak, meet.

Dates and Scheduling

Tutti i Venerdì di Quaresima
10:00 Canto de "I Setti Spati" in Matrice
15:00 Adorazione Eucaristica nell'ora della Divina Misericordia e Confessioni in Chiesa SS. Crocifisso
17:30 Santo Rosario Chiesa SS. Crocifisso
18:00Via Crucis con Santa Messa.

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