Easter in Militello Rosmarino

Among the various rites that characterize the Holy Week in Militello Rosmarino, the most evocative is certainly the Good Friday procession, an ancient rite that has been handed down for centuries in which the simulacra of Jesus in the Urn, of the SS . Crucifix and Our Lady of Sorrows are accompanied by the Jews and Magdalene.
On the morning of Good Friday the procession of the Urn of the Dead Christ begins, accompanied by litanies and penitential songs. Every detail in this rite hides a profound meaning: the bearers proceed two steps forward and one step back as a sign of penance and forgiveness.
In the afternoon the procession of the Magdalene takes place towards the Mother Church. The Magdalenes are devout women belonging to different social classes and no one knows their names or the place where they are dressed. They are dressed entirely in black, with their faces covered and with a crown of thorns on their heads, and they clutch a crucifix to their chests.
This is followed by the procession of Our Lady of Sorrows and the simulacrum of the dying Christ carried on the shoulders of eight Jews and followed by the Magdalenes, positioned at the corners of the vara, who hold up the cross by means of special ropes.< br>The Jews, bare-headed, wear a dark blue tunic, and hold the honorific office of carrying the fercle of Jesus on their shoulders, which is transmitted by primogenial succession by means of a holographic will. By tradition, they observe a strict fast from the morning which is interrupted at the end of the procession when, having arrived in the church of the SS. Crucified, they eat a yeast biscuit and drink a glass of wine. The procession is closed by the band with the drums rolling in mourning, by the bearer of a banner in which the heart of Jesus pierced by seven swords is portrayed, and by the faithful.
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