Easter at Palazzo Adriano

Easter at Palazzo Adriano

During Holy Week at Palazzo Adriano various religious functions are celebrated in the Latin and Greek-Byzantine rites.
On the Friday preceding Palm Sunday, in the Byzantine rite, at vespers, the resurrection of Lazarus is remembered. During the night, the traditional song commemorating this miracle is sung through the streets of the town. When the procession reaches the town, the song is performed facing the direction of the cemetery, to announce the resurrection to the dead.
In the Greek-Byzantine rite, the descent of Christ into the underworld is celebrated on the night of Holy Saturday. It is tradition that, before midnight, the clergy and faithful find the church door barred to symbolize the closure of the underworld guarded by the devil. When the door is opened, the church lights are turned on and the Resurrection of Christ is proclaimed.
In the Latin rite it is tradition to set up a large fire in the square, in front of the church. The fire is blessed and the Easter candle is lit with it. All the faithful light their candle and enter the Church where the Resurrection Mass is celebrated.
At the end of the religious celebrations on the night of Holy Saturday, the faithful of the Latin rite and those of the Greek rite come out and sing in the streets of country respectively the songs the Angel of glory and the Christos anesti. It is tradition for singers to invite families to join in the joy of the Resurrection and receive gifts of eggs, liqueurs and sweets which can only be consumed venniri d'u crucifisseddu, i.e. the first Friday after Easter.

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