Easter in Ragusa

On the occasion of Holy Week in Ragusa traditional rites, celebrations and processions take place which, due to their particularity, have been inscribed in the Register of Intangible Heritage of Sicily.
The Friday of Our Lady of Sorrows, i.e. on the Friday before Palm Sunday, the traditional Addolorata Week takes place at the Church of San Giacomo, i.e. a series of prayers and supplications addressed to Our Lady of Sorrows. In the evening, the Via Crucis takes place in the streets of the historic centre.
On the morning of Palm Sunday, the blessing of the olive and palm branches takes place, followed by the procession. In the afternoon, the six brotherhoods of the city take care of moving the statues of Our Lady of Sorrows, of Mary Magdalene and of Christ at the Column to the Cathedral of San Giorgio, the place where the Blessed Sacrament is found exposed for the Quarantor of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
On Holy Monday two processions take place: in the first one, the confreres of the Church of San Giacomo carry the simulacrum of Jesus to the church of San Giorgio; in the second, the simulacrum of the Pietà is carried from the church of Santa Maria dello Spasimo to the Cathedral.
On Holy Tuesday the simulacrum of Veronica will be carried in procession by the confreres of San Filippo Neri.
On Good Friday the procession of the Dead Christ and Our Lady of Sorrows takes place. This procession is a very ancient rite dating back to 1713.
On Easter Sunday, the traditional giunta, meeting takes place in Piazza del Duomo em>, between the statues of the Madonna and the Risen Jesus.
Dates and Scheduling
6 Apr 2025
20:30 Living Way of the Cross
among the buildings, streets and alleys of the baroque quarter of Ragusa.
Starting from via Orfanotrofio (Palazzo Di Quattro)
13 Apr 2025
09:00 Holy Mass.
Chiesa San Giuseppe - Benedettine
10:30 Blessing of the Palms, procession to the Mother Church of San Giorgio and Holy Mass (Giardini Iblei).
16:00 Living Via Crucis (Parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus).
16:30 Solemn Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
Duomo di San Giorgio
16:30 Holy Mass.
Chiesa di Santa Maria dell’Itria
17:00 Procession of Our Lady of Sorrows.
Chiesa di Santa Maria dell’Itria
17:30 Fervorino Confraternity of the Addolorata.
Duomo di San Giorgio
18:15 Holy Mass.
Duomo di San Giorgio
18:15 Holy Mass.
Chiesa di Santa Maria Maddalena
19:00 Procession of the Magdalene (Church of the Magdalene)
Chiesa di Santa Maria Maddalena
19:30 Fervorino confraternita della Maddalena (Chiesa Madre San Giorgio).
Duomo di San Giorgio
20:00 Processione del Cristo alla Colonna (Chiesa dell'Annunziata).
20:30 Fervorino confraternita SS. Rosario e Sciabica (Chiesa Madre San Giorgio).
14 Apr 2025
17:00 Solemn Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (Mother Church of San Giorgio).
Duomo di San Giorgio
18:15 Holy Mass.
Duomo di San Giorgio
18:15 Holy Mass.
Chiesa di San Giacomo Apostolo
18:45 Procession of Jesus to the Garden of Olives.
Chiesa di San Giacomo Apostolo
19:00 Fervorino Arciconfraternita San Giacomo.
Duomo di San Giorgio
20:00 Procession of the Pietà (Church of Santa Lucia).
Chiesa di Santa Lucia (Chiesa di Santa Veneranda)
20:30 Fervorino confraternita della Buona Morte (Chiesa Madre San Giorgio).
15 Apr 2025
17:30 Solemn Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
Duomo di San Giorgio
19:00 Holy Mass.
Duomo di San Giorgio
19:30 Holy Mass.
Chiesa S. Filippo Neri
20:00 Procession of Veronica.
Chiesa S. Filippo Neri
20:30 Fervorino Confraternita San Filippo Neri (Chiesa Madre San Giorgio).
Duomo di San Giorgio
16 Apr 2025
17:30 Solemn Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
Duomo di San Giorgio
17:30 Holy Mass (Chiesa San Tommaso).
19:00 Holy Mass and Closing of the Quarant'ore.
Duomo di San Giorgio
21:00 Prayer before the Crucifix (Mother Church of San Giorgio).
Duomo di San Giorgio
17 Apr 2025
10:00 Holy Chrism Mass.
Cattedrale San Giovanni Battista
17:30 Holy Mass in Coena Domini
Duomo di San Giorgio
20:00 Holy Mass in Coena Domini.
Duomo di San Giorgio
23:00 Holy Hour (Mother Church of San Giorgio).
Duomo di San Giorgio
24:00 Until 10:00 the next day: Adoration (Mother Church of San Giorgio).
18 Apr 2025
17:00 Celebration of the Passion of the Lord (Mother Church of San Giorgio).
Duomo di San Giorgio
20:00 Solemn Procession of the Dead Christ and Our Lady of Sorrows (Mother Church of San Giorgio).
Duomo di San Giorgio
20:00 Solemn Procession with the simulacra of the Passion through the streets of the historic center (Cathedral of San Giovanni).
19 Apr 2025
18:00 The Hour of the Mother (Mother Church of San Giorgio).
22:00 Easter Vigil and Holy Mass (Mother Church of San Giorgio).
Duomo di San Giorgio
20 Apr 2025
Easter Sunday
09:00 Holy Mass.
Chiesa San Giuseppe - Benedettine
10:30 Holy Mass.
Chiesa SS. Anime del Purgatorio
11:00 Holy Mass.
Duomo di San Giorgio
17:30 Holy Mass (Chiesa San Tommaso).
19:00 Solemn Holy Mass.
Duomo di San Giorgio
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