Fest of Schietti (bachelors) in Terrasini

The feast of the "Schietti", that is of the "bachelors", in Terrasini takes place on Saturday and Easter Sunday. This is an event that involves all citizens and which has the melangolo tree as its protagonist, which becomes a symbol of fertility. The event dates back to the second half of the 19th century, recalls the pagan spring festivals dedicated to Adonis and connects the beginning of the equinox with the Easter celebrations and the triumph of life.
A committee of bachelors, originally called "Dubitazione", has the task of drawing up the program of the event. The clothing of outspoken young people is very characteristic and includes black velvet trousers and gilet, white shirt, red scarf, red cap, red "pom poms" that also act as a tie.
On Holy Saturday there is the rite of cutting the tree which must always be accompanied by that of the sacrifice of the ram. The cutting of the tree is followed by a banquet, to which everyone is invited to participate, based on mutton meat and roasted sardines. For the test, a melangolo tree is chosen, that is a bitter orange, as this has a greater resistance, compared to other citrus fruits, to the numerous falls to the ground during the competition, and since in ancient times it was believed that it possessed thaumaturgical virtues. Once cut, the tree is decorated with red handkerchiefs, colored ribbons and "ciancianeddi", that is the little bells used for horse harness, and loaded onto a cart pulled by a richly dressed horse that leads it to the entrance of the town. where the musical band is waiting for him.
On Sunday morning, after the blessing by the parish priest of the Duomo, the tree is carried around the streets of the town where, whoever wishes, can raise the tree by making an offer. The most significant lift is the one made under the balcony of his girlfriend, the "zita". In ancient times, the lift was linked to a declaration of love and was of decisive importance, because the success of the test could give rise to admiration or not on the part of the girl for the boy's performance. The day ends with the awarding of those who manage to keep the tree raised longer.
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