Sausage Festival in Calascibetta

Sausage Festival in Calascibetta

 31 Aug 2024

 Calascibetta (EN)

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The Sausage Festival in Calascibetta takes place every year in September on the occasion of the celebrations in honor of Maria SS. del Buonriposo.
The festival, organized by the Pro Loco Calascibetta, has very ancient origins: it is believed that the festival was introduced by the Normans who, at the end of the hot season, wanted celebrations in which meat was widely used swine, with the aim of combating the Arab culture and religion which instead forbade its consumption. With the advent of the cult for Maria SS. del Buonriposo it became the custom of peasants and merchants to meet on these feast days, and to buy sausage from the vendors in the loggias to roast it on the hills adjacent to the church in the company of relatives and friends. This custom still lives on in the Calascibetta Sausage Festival.
On the occasion of the festival, a gastronomic village is set up at the foot of the Sanctuary of Maria SS. di Buonriposo with stands and seats to enjoy roasted meat and other typical dishes of the local culinary tradition.
Folklore, musical and entertainment shows are also organised.

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