Holy Week in Randazzo

In Randazzo, Holy Week, and in particular the day of Good Friday, take on very important connotations. During Holy Week processions and other liturgical rites take place which celebrate the passion, death and resurrection of Christ. All the processions are animated by the Confraternities, which are all linked to their respective churches.
Holy Monday is the day of the Confraternity of the Addolorata which is based in the church in San Pietro. Holy Tuesday is the day of the Confraternity of the Annunziata, which is located in the church of the Madonna Annunziata. On Holy Thursday there are demonstrations inside the churches.
During Good Friday, the main day of the event, two processions are held: one in the morning, organized by the Archconfraternity of the Holy Crucifix based in the church of S. Martino , and one in the evening, the Via Crucis, organized by the Confraternity of the Addolorata based in S. Pietro; from this last church there are "vare" illuminated by dozens of votive lamps of Christ Crucified and of Our Lady of Sorrows, carried on the shoulders of faithful who with shouted prayers make the atmosphere surreal. The procession is attended by all the brotherhoods of the city, the city clergy, civil and military authorities.
Holy Saturday the procession organized by the Archconfraternity of the Most Holy Souls of Purgatory takes place, which is located in the church of S. Nicolò di Bari.
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