Necropolis of the Falconiera in Ustica

The necropolis of the Falconiera in Ustica is located on the western side of the Falconiera and is connected with the Hellenistic-Roman settlement on the fortress.
The necropolis is made up of pit tombs carved into the rock. The tombs are characterized by the presence of a step that leads to a deeper pit closed with a large slab. In the necropolis amphorae with bone remains have been found which testify to the prolonged use, over the centuries, of the burials.
On the south western side of the Falconiera there is a second necropolis, partially destroyed by natural causes and by the action of man, consisting of simple pits dug into the rock within which materials referable to the late imperial age have been found and some hypogean tombs of square or elliptical shape carved into the rock.
Necropolis of Falconiera is part of the Route Archeologico della Falconiera which also includes the Rocca of the Falconiera and the fortress of Rivellino.