Larcan-Gravina Castle in Acquedolci

The Larcan-Gravina Castle in Acquedolci is an architectural complex made up of the ruins of the old castle and the Maschio della Torre Atàlia.
The castle, built between the 17th and 18th centuries, is one of the first castles with a square plan of Sicily.
Inside there is the oldest Baglio on the island dating back to the Kingdom of Trinacria where the cellars, the private apartments of Prince Francesco Ferdinando of Palagonia and the halls are still recognisable.
Within the walls of the Castle you can There is also the sixteenth-century church of San Giuseppe which houses a valuable eighteenth-century altar. In this church the peasants and slaves of the lord of the fiefdom went to pray.
Torre Atalia is a watchtower that was part of the complex defense system against Saracen attacks commissioned by Charles V in the 16th century. The tower became an integral part of the castle around which, in the 16th century, the Borgo delle AcqueDolci developed.

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