Mother Church of Corleone

The Cathedral of Corleone , dedicated to San Martino , presents an academic architecture despite the attempted decorative redemption carried out by various artists.
The primitive medieval layout dates back to to the sec. XIII, the current neoclassical configuration dates back to 1786, based on a project by the architect-priest Antonio Romano.
The Church has a basilica with three naves divided by pillars with centric arches. In the side aisles there are five chapels on each side, decorated with paintings and sculptures of a certain value: the small Gaginian relief in white marble of the Baptism of Jesus; the marble statue of the Madonna and Child characterized by the plastic rendering of the drapery and the refinement of the face and hands of the Virgin.
Among the wooden sculptures of considerable interest are: the majestic group of the Madonna dell ' ltria, a masterpiece of the wood art of the cousins Giuseppe Li Volsi junior from Nicosia; and the choir in carved and inlaid walnut from 1584 which presents decorative motifs taken from the Mannerist repertoire.
Among the pictorial works we should mention: the two large altarpieces depicting San Leoluca saving the city of Corleone from the plague and the Communion of Blessed Bernardo, works by Fra 'Felice da Sambuca; and the canvases of St. John writing the Apocalypse, work Hieronimus Rizzat from the 1600s.
Inside the sacristy there is an imposing black wooden crucifix of Byzantine origin from the 14th century, as well as numerous pieces of goldsmith's art and sacred vestments .