Real Cantina Borbonica in Partinico

BenitoForiero - CC4.0
The Real Cantina Borbonica represents one of the most beautiful and important works of the Bourbons in Sicily.
It was built in 1800 by Ferdinand III, King of Sicily and was the center for the collection and sale of products of the royal company and a point of reference for the owners of the farms, falling into the archiepiscopal canteen of Monreale, for the payment of tax fees.
At the center of the entrance square there is a building-tower in squared tuff blocks. On the main façade of the tower there are two windows in Catalan style, two others on the opposite façade. The architrave of the window on the right consists of an arch with two volutes connected in a central point, clearly reminiscent of Gothic - Catalan. The architrave of the left window on the main façade is decorated with a plastic festoon, perhaps from a later period. On the main façade there is also a machicolation, an element that places the tower at a time prior to the construction of the cellar.
Next to the tower we find the cellar , covered by a roof with tiles, with a rectangular plan , with the entire body divided into three naves supported by pillars and arches that connect in a cross.