Church of Santissima Annunziata in Piana degli Albanesi

Church of Santissima Annunziata in Piana degli Albanesi

Gspata - CC4.0


 Via Lascari - Piana degli Albanesi (PA)

The Church of the Santissima Annunziata of Piana degli Albanesi , Klisha Shen Meria and Lajmeruar, was built in the seventeenth century, at the behest of the priest Giuseppe Matranga, on a previous ruined church. Attached to the church is the former Capuchin convent .
The interior of the church has an anomalous plan: a central nave and a right. The central wooden altar dating back to 1852, decorated with interesting bas-reliefs, was recently moved to the right aisle, and was replaced by a square marble one of the Byzantine type supported by four columns depicting the four Evangelists. The displacement of the altar highlighted the fresco depicting the Annunciation, Novelli's last work dating back to 1646. The lower part of the table and the tabernacle are marked by columns, the upper parts are decorated with figures, tendrils and ears. The altar is surmounted by a polychrome wooden crucifix with gilded reliquaries.
The church's artistic heritage includes: a large 18th century Sicilian school canvas depicting the Immaculate Conception; 14 canvases from the 17th century, probably works by a Capuchin artist depicting the 12 Apostles, Christ and the Madonna; and two canvases, by an unknown artist, depicting St. Peter in bonds and St. Francis and the Madonna in prayer.

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