Church of the Most Holy Crucifix in Prizzi

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The Church of the Santissimo Crocifisso in Prizzi, located in the heart of the historic center, is one of the oldest and most important religious buildings in the village.
It was built around 1600 on the ancient church of San Biagio, but the works were completed only in 1711.
The external façade has three portals, the central one, which is larger in size, is surmounted by a clock. The main door is enriched with floral architectural elements and has two marble snail-shell torches on the sides: these represent the light of life, while a royal coat of arms indicates the Church and the power of God. A tall bell tower stands in the center of the facade high decorated with river pebbles. An architectural frieze from the Hellenistic age depicting a bull is set in the façade. The presence of the figure of the bull is linked to a legend.< br>The interior is divided into three naves by ten sturdy marble columns and has walls covered with decorated stucco.
Inside the church are kept works of considerable artistic value: the seventeenth-century SS Crucifix in carved wood, which still today it is carried in procession on Friday; four bas-reliefs with some biblical scenes; a majestic pipe organ dating back to the end of the eighteenth century.