Castle of the Princes of Biscari in Acate

Castle of the Princes of Biscari in Acate

Antonio Lima - CC3.0

The Castle of the Princes of Biscari in Acate is the most important monumental building in the village.
It was built starting in 1494 at the behest of Guglielmo Raimondo Lo Castello, one of the main promoters of the city's expansion at that time . It is believed that the castle was built on a previous structure, this could in fact explain the rapid construction of the building, which took place in less than two years. Over the centuries it has undergone several renovations and expansions which have changed its original appearance. In particular, following the terrible earthquake in Val Di Noto, the castle suffered extensive damage which was followed by important restoration interventions.
The castle has a large and imposing façade in which the monumental portal with arched frame of the entrance stands out principal. Three large towers, whose bases are made of Comiso stone, characterize the façade of the building. Inside there is a large courtyard. Of particular historical and architectural interest is the attached prison, with enormous cells with double grates.
Adjacent to the palace is the Church of San Vincenzo Martire, inside which is kept the sarcophagus which, according to popular beliefs, contains the body of San Vincenzo Martire.
According to a popular legend, the castle of Biscari holds an immense treasure.
Today the castle hosts exhibitions and cultural events.

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