Necropolis of Selinunte

Necropolis of Selinunte

Emanuela Meme Giudice - CC3.0


 Marinella (TP)

Within the Archaeological Park of Selinunte, some areas used as necropolis have been identified.
br> The Necropolis della Buffa, dating back at the end of the seventh, it is located north of the eastern hill. A triangular votive pit with terracotta, vases and animal remains of probable sacrifices was found on the site.

The Necropolis of Galera Bagliazzo, dating back to the 6th century BC, is located to the north east of the Mannuzza hill. In this area there are tombs dug into the tuff where furnishings of various styles have been found. Of particular value is the statue called Efebo di Selinunte, found here, now kept in the Archaeological Museum of Selinunte.

The Necropolis of Pipio Bresciana and Manicalunga Timpone Nero, dating back to the sixth century BC, they are located west of the Gaggera hill. The necropolis is the largest in the area but given the distance from the city center, it is believed it could have been the necropolis of a suburban area. In addition to the burial rite, amphorae and pithoi were found which also testify to the rite of cremation. The sarcophagi are in terracotta or tuff. There are also covered rooms.

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