Spagnola gate of Augusta

The Spanish Gate of Augusta is a historic monument dating back to the 17th century, evidence of the Spanish dominance over Sicily.
It was built in 1681, at the behest of the viceroy Benavides, based on a project by the engineer Carlos de Grunembergh, with the contribution of all citizens.
The Spanish Gate was the main entrance to the city which was accessed via drawbridges and was placed to close the Aragonese wall.
Of the original structure, only the upper area is visible today due to the alterations made to the structure over the centuries. At the top of the Gate it is possible to observe a frame surmounted by the crown of the King of Spain Charles II, supported at the base by two rampant griffins. The Golden Fleece contains a box where the coat of arms of the viceroy Francesco Benavides is carved, while on the door there is a plaque that affirms the strategic importance of the port of Augusta.

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