Archaeological Museum of Lentini

Davide Mauro - CC4.0
The Regional Archaeological Museum of Lentini illustrates the archaeological history of the city and its territory starting from prehistory to the Middle Ages, through the exhibition of materials from the ancient city of Leontinoi and from the main archaeological sites of the area.
The current museum site, designed by the architect Vincenzo Cabianca with fittings by G. Rizza, was inaugurated on 28 May 1962.
The exhibits kept inside the museum follow both a chronological and topographical order: from the most ancient attestations of human attendance, up to the colonization and the subsequent foundation of the Greek city; there are also exhibits dating back to the late Roman, Byzantine, Arab and medieval ages.
Among the exhibits kept in the museum, one of the most valuable is the frescoes of the Grotte del Crocifisso, representing the Deposition of Jesus, which was removed due to its precarious conditions on site.
The exhibition is enriched by an educational apparatus and multimedia stations which contribute to making the museum itinerary more understandable.