Islet Brancati

Islet Brancati

Carlomorino - CC3.0


 Isolotto Brancati - Marzamemi (SR)

The Islet Brancati di Marzamemi is located off the port of the small village, today it is a symbol of Marzamemi .
This islet, at the end of the nineteenth century, was given in state concession by prince Ottavio Nicolaci di Villadorata to a nobleman from Noto, who built a small building to be used in the summer. After his death, in 1918, none of the heirs renewed the state concession and so was obtained by Dr. Raffaele Brancati, cousin of the famous writer Vitaliano, who in 1935 demoted it, thus becoming the owner of the islet. Here, Raffaele had a red villa built. The island was handed down from father to son and continues today to be a private property, easily accessible by any type of boat.
In 2015 on the initiative of the Pachinese Iano Capodicasa, fond of the islet since his childhood , lighting fixtures are installed to give light in the evening hours to the charming cottage that stands on the islet.

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