Anaktoron of Pantalica

Jorre - CC3.0
The Anaktoron di Pantalica , also called Casa del Principe , is a megalithic building found on the acropolis of Pantalica.
Almost exclusively the ruins remain on the Pantalica plateau. of this megalithic building consisting of large blocks of 37.5x11.5m, with several rectangular rooms, evident imitation of the Mycenaean palaces. The scholar Paolo Orsi, together with other various scholars, believes that the link with the Mycenaean workers could have favored the construction of the building also by virtue of an already present trade between the two shores of the Mediterranean. It belongs to the first period of Pantalica, it is dated between the 12th and 11th centuries BC, and only the foundation blocks remain.
In this period, in fact, the population probably lived in huts and the only buildings still left. today they are the tombs of the necropolis and the Anaktoron. For this reason, it being evident that the Sicilians were not skilled builders of stone buildings, it was hypothesized the use of external workers for the construction of the Anaktron, able to carry out works otherwise not feasible.
The Anaktoron can be reached from the Sella di Filiporto along a path of about 40 minutes or by car reaching the reference car park.