Rupestrian Village of Cavetta in Pantalica

Davide Mauro - CC4.0
The Villaggio della Cavetta is one of the three Byzantine villages located within the archaeological area of Pantalica . The other two villages are: the village of San Nicolicchio and the village of San Micidario.
The village of Cavetta has about 70 houses in addition to the oratory of the Grotta del Crocifisso .
L ' oratory, collapsed in its front portion, is rectangular in shape with a regular recess in the front wall, equipped with a quay, here are some illegible frescoes probably Byzantine. On the bottom there is a more important sacred representation consisting of a large finely decorated nimbata head. Unfortunately, due to the peeling of the limestone wall, the painting was almost completely lost, however, Paolo Orsi, who studied the oratory at the end of the nineteenth century, read the name of the saint depicted which was referable to San Nicola. This painting, according to the opinion of experts, is to be referred to a later period, not before the 14th century.
The village of Cavetta can be reached from the entrance on the Ferla side, following the state road, passing the car park of Saddle of Filiporto. The village is right next to the road. Taking a well-marked path from here, after about 350 meters, you reach a panoramic point from which you can admire the Cavetta necropolis from close enough. On the opposite side of the canyon, there is in fact a vertical wall with numerous tombs. From this point you can also see the Anapo Valley very well and the point where the Calcinara stream joins the river.
The Grotta del Crocifisso oratory can be reached by continuing along the state road to its end, where there is a small parking lot. From this point a downhill path starts which in about 10 minutes leads to the cave. Continuing along the path you reach the Belvedere of the North Necropolis.