Church of the Annunziata in Alcamo

Daniele Pugliesi - CC4.0
The Church of the Annunziata di Alcamo, also known as the Chiesa del Carmine is a Gothic-Catalan style church of which only the ruins remain.
The original body of the Annunziata church was built during the Aragonese period, most likely between 1332 and 1379. The square bell tower, to the right of the door, was built at the beginning of the 15th century and was accessible from inside the church. In 1866 it collapsed following the suppression of the religious corporations.
The church, with a trapezoidal plan, had three naves, divided by two rows of tuff columns with very low capitals decorated with floral and animal shapes all different from each other. Each order of columns was surmounted by five pointed arches of Catalan and Italic style. An order of columns and some chapels enriched with precious decorative elements remain of the original structure. The entrance door has two large decorative bands adorned with carvings representing Norman-style foliage. On the facade above the door there is a circular perforated window.
Under the presbytery there is a crypt used as a public sepulcher, inside which there is a fresco of the Most Holy Crucifix.
The church, normally closed to the public, it is often used to host cultural events, in particular exhibitions and musical concerts.