Theater of Segesta

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The Theater of the Archaeological Park of Segesta was built in the 2nd century BC. on the north Acropolis of Monte Barbaro in an extremely panoramic point. It is one of the most successful examples of theatrical architecture that can be placed in the transition from the Greek to the Roman type .
On the site of the theater there was a cave with material from the Bronze Age which was incorporated into the construction. It presents the typical forms of Greek architecture, even if, unlike these, the cavea was only partially carved into the rock, while the rest of the structure was supported by a mighty retaining wall , < strong> anàlemma . The auditorium, with a capacity of about 4000 people, was divided horizontally by a large corridor, the diàzoma, delimited by seats with backs and, vertically, by six ladders that form seven wedges, the kerkìdes. The presence of a well and a water tank, located in the western part of the anàlemma wall, is supposed to have the purpose of satisfying the needs of the public and the actors. The orchestra was accessed from the side entrances, the pàrodoi. Only a few rows of blocks remain of the plant of the scene. In the early Roman imperial age, the orchestra space of the theater was enlarged by eliminating a row of seats and the scenic front was enlarged.