Camarro IGT
Monopoli91 - CC3.0
The Camarro IGT appellation represents one of the most important wine-growing areas of the Sicily region, it includes the province of Trapani, and was created in 1995. The wines of the Camarro IGT appellation are mainly based on the Ansonica and Sangiovese vines. Ansonica is the oldest Sicilian indigenous grape variety, it is a white grape variety also known by the name of Inzolia. Today Inzolia is among the most widespread white grape varieties in Sicily and in recent decades it has also been vinified in purity by many established companies in the Sicilian wine scene. One of the main characteristics of Inzolia is its low acidity, which is accompanied by a relatively low sugar content. The nature of the territory plays a fundamental role: Inzolia grown in the hills, far from the sea, reaches phenolic maturity later, when the acidity has often dropped below the warning levels. The inzolia grown near the sea, on the other hand, is characterized by a very evident salinity, which is able to compensate for the sweetness of the must and give the drink a pleasant sensation of freshness.